So here it comes the Full Moon of March 2008...
This one occurring in Barcelona at 19:40 hrs. brings with it airs of Pluto, as the Sun in 1ºAries31', and the Moon at 1ºLibra31' they both make a 90ºangle to the position of Pluto, forming what is known in Astrology, as a T-Square.
Although when the Moon travels through Libra we always feel the temptation to think of relationships, we must not forget that the position of Pluto which symbolises Power is in the sign of Capricorn, associated with Institutions, Government, Figures of Authority, Finances.
Having thought of that then we remember Libra and its involvement with political figures. Difficult to find politicians without some planets or important angles like the Asc, in Libra. Would this mean that their original intentions or motivations stem from feelings of fairness?
With Spain just over the General Elections, USA going through the most interesting and historic of Election Campaigns, with Castro finally officially declining the power to his brother, etc. It is difficult not to think in terms of politics when you look at this Full Moon.
Mars is also exactly squaring Pallas Athena, which will soon be in conjunction to the Sun, all forming a Great Cardinal Grand Cross with the Full Moon, images of strong women soldiering their way up to government come to mind and i wonder what will all this do to Hillary's campaign. Let's not forget New York's attorney general, Eliot Spitzer, since just as Mars opposes Pluto, we all find out about his double standards morality. So what's new?
Venus is exactly opposing Saturn in Virgo and so is Mercury (see my article on Venus and Mercury in Pisces, in Spanish) which is travelling next to Venus since late February.
Our worries about the Planet's less fortunate and the effect of the climate change, will definitely be activated. But perhaps the contact to Saturn comes to remind us of very practical things we can do to help.
With all this Pisces around we know that together we can make it, or at least we are seriously beginning to realise it.
And if we really want to help, then we can start by doing it just all around us. Recycle your garbage, take public transport as much as you can, be responsible for your health and those around you. help a friend, or a family member, do things that can make you feel good about yourself, to generate good positive feeling about your life.
Stay healthy, make sure your children also stay healthy, let's do everything we must do, to protect our families and our children.
Let's look after each other, c'mon Venus is in Pisces! This is the great opportunity that the almighty Afrodites is bestowing upon us from the sign of the fishes.
In this chart, they are in the 5th House of Creativity, and they are (Mercury and Venus) on their way to meet Uranus on the week end of the 28th and 29th.
Be daring, do something crazy. Go out on a limb and please, do write back and tell me what you got up to.
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