domingo, 10 de febrero de 2008

And Mercury goes retrograde...

On the 29th of January, Mercury started its first retrograde motion period of the year 2008, right until February the 19th.
There will be another two times when it will do the same, one the 27th of May until 20th of June, and on the 24th of September until the16th of October.
This curious thing about this year is that Mercury will aspect Neptune the 3 times that it goes retrograde. Now, in January is actually in conjunction to Neptune on the 3rd day of the retrograde, in the sign of Aquarius, at 21º 23’.
In May, it will trine Neptune (24º Aq 15’) and Mercury at 21º Gem 31’ from his own sign, but not exactly.
In September will also trine Neptune 21º Aq 47 from 21º Lib 47’ on the 4th day the retrograde motion.
So this year it all happens in the Air signs, where Mercury feels the most comfortable.
Will this mean that it will be a less disturbing retrograde periods?
Well, on January the 29th, as Mercury first went retrograde I lost my telephone line, suddenly (Mercury and Neptune in Aquarius) and my ADSL. They were both opposing my Mercury-Pluto conjunction.
I was unable to attend to my clients over the net for almost 6 days. Could not send e-mails, nor send documents, which I urgently needed to send.
A conference that I had organized for the 29th was postponed until the 19th of February, the day that Mercury finally goes into direct motion again.
So, less disturbing? Ok! Admittedly, I had it opposing itself in my birthchart, but I am sure that there will be more telephone lines and computers going crazy in this period.
And what about Neptune? We all know that Neptune in Aquarius is beautifully expressed through the Internet, this incredible Source, or space, where we have plunged down all our knowledge giving access to it, to everyone. The great democratization of knowledge.
Going back to Mercury retrograde in Aquarius in conjunction to Neptune, I can also imagine great statements, by politicians or other public figures, being misunderstood, or even better a religious figure, like the Bishop of Canterbury, this week, on the formalisation of sharia law in Britain, which has provoked more than one Muslim. His supporters understood one thing, and the rest, another.
As it normally happens with retrogrades, it also gives us an opportunity to re-think situations, projects, etc. As if Mercury were whispering in our ears: ”Are you sure, this is what you want to do?”
Fortunately, Mars has gone direct again, allowing us to recover our physical energy and enthusiasm.
